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Home ? KAS/H240 Advanced Wearable Simulation Suit for Elderly Hemiparalysis Nursing
KAS/H240 Advanced Wearable Simulation Suit for Elderly Hemiparalysis Nursing
  • KAS/H240 Advanced Wearable Simulation Suit for Elderly Hemiparalysis Nursing

KAS/H240 Advanced Wearable Simulation Suit for Elderly Hemiparalysis Nursing

KAS/H240 Advanced Wearable Simulation Suit for Elderly Hemiparalysis Nursing
Detailed description
Through experiencing patients' life,for example,the inconvenience of hemiparalysis patient caused by cerebrovascular disease and cerebraltrauma,to understand the physiological and psychological ideas so as to provide more scientific clinical care for hemiparalysis patient.
Features :
1.Designed according to the physiological changes of hemiparalysis patient,fine and environmental material,washable.
2.Experience left-right hemiparalysis
3.Stiff joints because of fixation by the restriction device,tightness of rubber band can be adjusted
4.Trainer can experience the importance of crutches
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