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Home ? KAS/H230 Advanced Wearable Elderly Action Simulation Suit
KAS/H230 Advanced Wearable Elderly Action Simulation Suit
  • KAS/H230 Advanced Wearable Elderly Action Simulation Suit

KAS/H230 Advanced Wearable Elderly Action Simulation Suit

KAS/H230 Advanced Wearable Elderly Action Simulation Suit
Detailed description
Modern society is gradually entering the elderly age,so experiencing of old people's life is beneficial for understanding old people's physiological and psychological ideas,so as to achieve more sicentific clinical care for elderly patients.
Features :
1.Designed basing on the physiological changes of old people,fine and environmental material,washable;
2.Be able to wear "Simulated Elderly Action Suit" to experience old people's ife and the aging feeling of the specific part of the body,and provides better understanding for old people's feeling.
3.Adjustable cured angle of the back and body
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