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Home ? KAS/122B Female Nursing Manikin
KAS/122B Female Nursing Manikin
  • KAS/122B Female Nursing Manikin

KAS/122B Female Nursing Manikin

KAS/122B Female Nursing Manikin
Detailed description
Features :
1.Hair and face washing
2.Eye and ear washing and administering
3.Mouth cavity and artificial teeth care
4.Endotracheal intubation
5.Tracheotomy care
6.Sputum suction
7.Oxygen inhaling
8.Oral and nasal feeding
10.Breast Care and inspection
11.Main organs in abdominal cavity
12.Venipuncture, injection, blood transfusion (Arm)
13.Deltoid subcutaneous injection
14.Vastus lateralis injection
15.Thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, liver, bone marrow and lumbar puncture
17.Female urethral catheterization
18.Female bladder irrigation
20.Buttocks intramuscular injection
21.Holistic nursing: sponge bath, replacing clothes
22.Limbs joints : bend ,rotation and upper or lower movement
1)Chest wall section and suture incision
2)Abdomen wall section and suture incision
3)Thigh section and suture incision
4)Tear of the thigh skin
5)Infective ulcer of thigh
6)Foot sphacelus,decubitus ulcers of first ,second ,third toes and heelstick
7)Amputation stump of upper arm
8)Amputation stump of leg
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