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KAS/110 Trauma Manikin
  • KAS/110 Trauma Manikin

KAS/110 Trauma Manikin

KAS/110 Trauma Manikin
Detailed description

KAS/110 Trauma Manikin

Features :
1.Simulating kinds of traumas of body, burned skin can be replaced.
2.Simulating the washing, disinfection, hemostasis, enswathing, fixing and carrying of the wound.
3.Simulating the opened fracture parts of the body
(1).Facial burn: 1, 2, 3 degree
(2).Laceration in forehead
(3).The wound in jaw
4.Opened clavicular fracture and contusion wound on the chest
5.The wound in abdomen with small intestine evisceration
6.Opened humerus fracture of right upper arm
7.Opened fracture of right hand (including parenchyma laceration, fracture and bone tissue exposure)
8.Gun wound in the right palm
9.Opened fracture of right thighbone
10.Compound femur fracture of left thigh
11.Metal pricking wound in right thigh
12.Opened tibia fracture of right leg
13.Opened fracture of right foot with truncating
trauma on small phalanx
14.Burns in left forearm: 1, 2, 3 degree
15.Truncating trauma on left thigh
16.Closed tibia fracture of right leg and contusion
wounds in left ankle and foot

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