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Home ? KAS/CPR800 Advanced CPR &Trauma Manikin
KAS/CPR800 Advanced CPR &Trauma Manikin
  • KAS/CPR800 Advanced CPR &Trauma Manikin
  • KAS/CPR800 Advanced CPR &Trauma Manikin

KAS/CPR800 Advanced CPR &Trauma Manikin

The system upgrades on the basis of KAS/CPR780,Besides the functions and configuration of KAS/CPR780,it has extra features of trauma evaluation modules. The trauma modules can be mounted on the corresponding part, simulating various trauma : such as I, II, III degree burns, contusion wound, pricking wound, open fracture, closed fracture and ruptured limb. This manikin is vivid and all parts have good training touch. The manikin is suitable to first aid training of surgical trauma and can be used to simulate washing, disinfection, enswathing of the wound, fixing and carrying the patient.
Detailed description

KAS/CPR800 Advanced CPR &Trauma Manikin
(computer-controlled )

The system upgrades on the basis of KAS/CPR780,Besides the functions and configuration of KAS/CPR780,it has extra features of trauma evaluation modules. The trauma modules can be mounted on the corresponding part, simulating various trauma : such as I, II, III degree burns, contusion wound, pricking wound, open fracture, closed fracture and ruptured limb. This manikin is vivid and all parts have good training touch. The manikin is suitable to first aid training of surgical trauma and can be used to simulate washing, disinfection, enswathing of the wound, fixing and carrying the patient.

Standard configuration:
1 .full-body model (1)
2.Luxurious hard plastic case(1)
3.Computer (optional)
4.evualtion trauma modules (16)
5.CPR operation pad (1)
6.CPR mask (50psc/box) (1 box)
7.Repalceable lung bag (4)
8.Replacable face (1)
9.Instruction manual (1)?

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