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Home ? KAS/CPR185+ Adjustable Adults & Children
KAS/CPR185+ Adjustable Adults & Children
  • KAS/CPR185+ Adjustable Adults & Children

KAS/CPR185+ Adjustable Adults & Children

KAS/CPR185+ Adjustable Adults & Children CPR Manikin (alarm)
Detailed description

  Implement standard: 2015 guideline for CPR


  1.Simulate standard open airway

  2. External breast compression, monitor the depth compression

  a.Adult: compression intensity is 5cm

  b. Children:compression intensity is 3cmBuzzing sound with correct compression intensity

  3. Judge the inhalation by observing the rise and fall of chest ( inhalation standard≤500ml or 600-1000ml ≤ )

  4.operation frequency :at least 100 times per minute

  5.operation methods: exercise operation

  Material features: The model is molded under high temperature by means of stainless mould, with face skin, neck skin, chest skin and hair made of imported material. It features durability, non-deformation and easy assembly and disassembly. The materials reach the same level of foreign countries.

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