當前位置: 首 頁 - 產品中心 - 國外進口代理醫(yī)學模型
貨號:040060 型號:SB30097U
價格(元):詢價 產地:美國

    some with the additional complications of undermining, tunneling, sinus track, fistula, slough, infection, and exposed bone. Also displayed are an unstageable eschar, a sutured wound, herpes, and candidiasis. Demonstrate and practice wound cleansing, classification, staging, and assessment, as well as the measurement of wound length, depth, undermining, and tunneling. All types of dressings including alginate biosynthetic, collagen, gauze, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, skin substitutes, transparent films, and wound fillers can be applied. The positioning of the wounds permits multiple dressings to be demonstrated at the same time. Dimensions: 6-5/8" x 11" x 13-5/8".


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