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貨號(hào):040084 型號(hào):WA15715U
價(jià)格(元):詢價(jià) 產(chǎn)地:美國(guó)納斯


2、音像帶<The Miracle of life>:生動(dòng)講述胚胎發(fā)育、胎兒生長(zhǎng)的神奇過程,揭示生命的奧秘

There’s no better way to depict the actual size and developmental stages of a fetus than with these incredibly realistic replicas! A thorough multimedia program, this kit presents an in-depth look at embryo and fetus development in humans. The accompanying text and teaching guide provide background information and study questions and include transparencies and blackline masters. The videotape titled The Miracle of Life, along with the transparencies, tells the fascinating story of embryonic and fetal growth. The blackline masters highlight important study points for students. The dramatic Life/form® reproductions were molded from specimens and show the stages of human development in a unique, innovative way…through plastic models and replicas each student can examine and study. The kit offers a direct and complete approach to an understanding of human reproduction from fertilization to birth. Nasco’s total teaching program offers nine realistic Life/form® reproductions, four models of the early stages of the embryo, five actual replicas of the growing fetus, plus The Miracle of Life video and detailed text and teaching guide with 13 transparencies and 12 blackline masters.


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