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Home ? KAS/53 Advance Thyrocricocentesis Tracheostomy simulator
KAS/53 Advance Thyrocricocentesis Tracheostomy simulator
  • KAS/53 Advance Thyrocricocentesis Tracheostomy simulator

KAS/53 Advance Thyrocricocentesis Tracheostomy simulator

KAS/53 Advance Thyrocricocentesis Tracheostomy simulator
Detailed description

KAS/53 Advance Thyrocricocentesis Tracheostomy simulator


Features :
1.Simulate dorsal position and neck extending
2.Accurate structure: thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage,crico-thyroid membrane, trachea is touchable.
3.Percutaneous thyrocricoid puncuture, cricothyrotomy,tracheotomy can be practiced.


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